KSFA 2014 - 12 hour fishing charity event in Marsascala

This year the KSFA is going to organize a charity event in aid of those children in the Neo-natal and Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (NPICU), in collaboration with Qalb it-Tfal. This event will consist of a 12 hour fishing Marathon held at M'Scala Promenade from 8.00am till 8.00pm, on the 28th of September, during which a fund raising campaign will be held by Qalb It-Tfal with the help of various entertainement, and the money donated to the same organization so that equipment or what is currently necessary for those children in the NPICU at Mater Dei can be donated.

The event apart from being a competition will have the main aim of helping those children in need. It will be a doubles competition, with a fee of 20euro per team. The rules will be those currently used in the KSFA Leagues, which can be found on our website: ksfamalta.com but with no restrictions on sizes of fish or the bait used.

Hope we will have a great response, from the public and also from other members of the other Sport Fishing clubs in Malta, keeping in mind that this will be a charity event in aid of those children just born and might need some help.


All those companies and businesses that would like to contribute by sponsoring or helping in the event may conatct Roberto Bugeja on 79703785


You Shop We Ship Goes Fishing

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Nelson continues were he left off in doubles league.

Adrian Nelson today confirmed his undisputed superiority by going all the way to win todays first Singles league match, thereby continuing were he left off from the doubles league. He used many techniques, and this can easily be seen through the variety of fish he caught. Ranging from an assortment...
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The KSFA Tubertini Singles 2015 League

With the Doubles League out of the way now the road is clear for KSFAs Tubertini Singles League. The first match is due next Sunday the 26th of April and the venue will be one of the favourites in the shape of Manoel Island. Same as the Doubles League all participating will be provided with the...
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KSFA Tubertini 2015 Doubles League 2015 Overview

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Team Milo do it again - Nelson and Bugeja with 3 wins in a row

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Tubertini KSFA Doubles Match4 news

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