Fortune goes for first and wins first KSFA singles match

Amid threats of Gale force winds and inclement weather today ushered in the first singles match of the much coveted KSFA singles league which was held in Manoel Island.  It turned out to be a sunny day with moderate winds after all!


It started early in the morning at the break of dawn, with all the anglers eager to do well and get off to a good start. At 0700 sharp the horn was sounded and one could hear the swish of the lines being cast in the sea in perfect harmony.


Some 27 anglers took part stretching along the whole coastline. Various fish were landed mostly wrasse parrot fish and a not so common fish in these matches Pajzan.


First place was taken by the excellent Fortune Calafato with no less the 2.66Kg Pajzan, he was at the edge of the venue where the wind was most severe which was all the more difficult making his victory even more deserved. 

Following in second place was Kevin Cassar with a good brace of parrot fish at 2.63kgs; he read his peg well and rigged a rod specifically for parrot fish. 

Third place was Mark Zarb new comer landing a good 2.2kgs with a variety of bottom fish, I have a feeling Mark will go a long way.


Full results to follow.

Next match will be on 10th February at ta Fra Ben, which should also prove to be another prolific venue.


match report by : John Attard KSFA PRO



KSFA Annual Christmas Lunch at Dolmen Hotel

The Kingfisher Sport Fishing Association 2011 yearly Christmas lunch will be held at Dolmen Hotel on the 13th December in the Menhir restaurant at 12.00pm.   Booking till 8th December 2011   Price is Adutls 20eur each, kids (5-11yrs) 5eur each.   For bookings email...
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Denci Fishing CLub Competition for ISTRINA 2011

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Cavalieri Hotel Fishing Competition in aid of ISTRINA 2011

  In an effort to raise funds for l-Istrina mill-Qalb campaign 2011, we have recently launched  the ‘Cavalieri Hotel Community Chest Fund Week’ in conjunction with the office of The President, His Excellency Dr. George Abela. This event consists of a nine-day marathon of family...
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Singles League match 3 report

  This was the third match of the season for the KSFA singles league 2011 sponsored by Mister Fish. 24 members were divided in 3 sections, according to their previous position attained during Isla's first match. A southwesterly wind was blowing lightly, yet increased by time to force...
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