Federation News ........

The next NFSAM match will be held on Sunday 16th September at the Senglea Waterfront.

This activity shall be part of the Maritime Senglea Festival 2012 that shall be held during that weekend and probably we will be filmed for a local TV program.

I urge all members to take special care of the fish as done in the past.

We will meet at 5.45 am near the Senglea kiosks and will fish from 7.00 am till noon.

The Senglea local council has offered two sets of trophies for the match.

A set shall be for KSFA anglers 1st 3 placings and another set for the 1st 3 placings for Blue Sea Anglers.

The federation shall be awarding the first three overall placings as usual.

A members' meeting shall be held on Wednesday 12th September at 7.00 pm at the Pieta FC. During the members' meeting the NFSAM badges shall be distributed.


All NFSAM members may wish to send any suggestions for 2013 to the undersigned by email or post at 34, Guze Ellul Street, Luqa.

One may also wish to forward a suggestion to a member of The NFSAM committee or through the club committee.



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