Federation match news ......

The Second Federation match shall be held on Sunday 10th June.


Venue : Xghajra / Alternative Senglea

Meet time: 5.45 am Fish  7.00 am - 12.00 noon (Note 5hrs fishing)


Members' meeting : Tuesday 5th June at Pieta FC at 7.00 pm.



Marshals and pegs shall be drawn during the member's meeting.


NB: Final call for members interested to participate in the Spain European Championships.


discuss the next federation match on here ......

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Handwriting - recorded in the manuscript,

Manuscript is a collective name for texts

Comparison of digital and analog women's timepieces

Choosing Between Leather and Metal Bracelets for Women’s Timepieces Picking between skin and steel straps for your women’s chronometer can be a challenging choice but each has its own advantages. Hide bracelets deliver a traditional look that suits for formal settings and business situations. They’re cozy and are offered in a variety of hues and textures to complement your taste. On the flip side steel bracelets are sturdy and adaptable. They’re excellent for everyday wear and can handle more rugged wear. Stainless steel bands in specifically are low-maintenance and can tolerate the elements better than skin. If you’re into physical activities or outdoor adventures a metal band might be the way to go. Ultimately the selection comes down to your personal taste and how you want to use the watch. Some enthusiasts even switch between skin and metal straps depending on the occasion giving them the best of both worlds. Leather versus metallic bands in opulent mens watches 7b13917 Top Mens Wrist Watches Brands


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KSFA Tubertini Doubles League Match 3 Details

  Match Details This Sunday 23rd February we shall be having Match 3 from this year's Doubles league.  Venue: Qawra Point (below Cafe Del Mar) Alt Venue: Qawra ( below Qawra Palace Hotel)  Meeting Time: to be confirmed Competition Time: to be...
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Report - KSFA Tubertini Doubles League Match 2

  John Attard & Sandro build more on the Winning Momentum. Last Sunday we had the Doubles League Match 2 that had to be fished at Exiles Sliema. Unfortunately like the previous match the weather wasn't favourable and the big swell made the venue dangerous to fish. Thus it was decided to...
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KSFA Tubertini Doubles League Match 2 Details

  Match Details This Sunday 2nd February we shall be having Match 2 from this year's Doubles league.  Venue: Exiles Sliema Alt Venue: Ta Xbiex (next to Ta Xbiex Waterpolo Club) Meeting Time: 06:00 Competition Time: 07:00 - 11:00 Marshalls: Kevin Cassar / Salvu Borg & Brian Farrugia...
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John Attard & Sandro Cohen Win 2025's First Competition

    Yesterday morning we had our first competition for 2025 from this year's KSFA Tubertini Doubles League 2025. In total 8 teams registered for this year's league. Yesterday's match was scheduled for Exiles Sliema but unfortunately due to bad weather we had to fish inside the Marsamxett...
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Calafato Triumphs in his Last Match

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Nelson Nets match number 4 of KSFA Singles League.

Date: 24/11/24 Location: Pixkerija (originally Valletta Fossa) Event: KSFA Singles Match No 4 Overview: Due to unfavourable weather conditions and high swell, KSFA Singles Match #4, originally scheduled to be held at Valletta Fossa, was relocated to Pixkerija. Despite the challenging conditions,...
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Scott Farrugia and Aaron Xuereb wins KSFA 3-Day Fishing Tournament

This weekend KSFA 3-day fishing tournament showcased thrilling competition and impressive catches. Held between Friday and Sunday, the event drew participants from across Malta, culminating in a fierce competition for the top spots. Aaron and Scott emerged as champions, delivering an outstanding...
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