Famalco Group partners with KSFA for 2015

Famalco Group was set up in the early 1990s to consolidate a thriving fruit business established over 50 years ago. Since then, the group has been constantly expanding, both horizontally and vertically, increasing business opportunities, and attaining greater achievements.

It is branched into various sectors, including logistics, fruit trading, property, viticulture, retail, automotive dealership, excavation and demolition works, real estate services, and energy. It is the local representative of major international brands.

This diversification is one of the group’s biggest strengths, offering a wide range of products and services to cater for the needs of different types of customers. Our companies include:


Misterfisherman - A dream come true for Josef Camilleri

We all have our dreams.  We all have high hopes and wishes for a more fulfilling future.  I have mine.  Sadly though, not all of us are lucky enough to see our dreams take a real form, to be able to see them, touch them and savor their real meaning in our own lifetime.  But some...
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