Doubles League match 2 news

Next doubles match nr.2 will be held on 13th May 2012 in Vittoriosa Creek (toqba Birgu)

Due to an unforseen problem that this match was scheduled on mother's day we will be fishing an hour earlier to end up at 10.00am
So the fishing time will be meeting 5.00am start fishing at 6.00am till 10.00am
Below is a list of all marshalls drawn up for every match for doubles league 2012 ......

Doubles 2012


MATCH 1       GOZO

                        STEVE JOHNSTON—JAMES GILSON

                        DAVID COLLINS – JOHNATAN VELLA



                        ALEX GENOVESE

                        JOE ELLUL – CHARLES GRECH

                        STEFAN BORG – JAMES MICALLEF



                        JOHN ATTARD – JOE SCEMBRI

                        GODFREY FARRUGIA – GEORGE GRECH

                        LORRY SCICLUNA – JOHNATAN AQUILINA



                        ROBERT BUGEJA – ADRIAN NELSON

                        JASON SALIBA – DARREN STAFRACE




                        PIERRE POULTON – DARYL PACE

                        MARY VELLA – DARREN

                        ANDRE BORG – CHARLO BORG


MARSH          GOZO

                        KEVIN CASSAR – SALVU BORG

                        ROBERT ATTARD – FRANKLIN FORMOSA.

                        BRIAN FARRUGIA – EMY GRECH


For the present league table click here



Mullet League 2nd Match News

Dear All,    As you are surely aware of, this Sunday 25th October 2015 we shall be having the 2nd match of the Mullet league which shall be held in B'Bugia. As usual we shall be meeting at 6.00am next to the local council. Fishing hours between 7.00 - 11.00 am.   Items provided...
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Stefan Borg & Luke Camilleri take top spot in KSFA 3 day Tournament

It was yet again a very keenly contested tournament where some of the top anglers on the Island teamed up to participate in this popular fishing festival. The tournament was held in 3 different venues and different times of day and night.  The first match took place on Friday 26th September...
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Nelson triumphs again as Charles Caruana makes his comeback!

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Mit-Tfal Ghat-Tfal A Success Story

  On Sunday 30th August after a lengthy break from organising charity events KSFA came back with a bang, in the shape of a fishing marathon aptly called Mit-Tfal Ghat-Tfal, translated freely to English reading “ From the Children to the Children”, and that is exactly what  it...
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