Comino 2015 End of Year Event

Back home from a days fishing in Comino, it was a great day out, and one and all enjoyed every minute of it. 

It started with the boat trip to Comino. 

Needless to say the boat was packed with fishing gear, even though this competition, was a "friendly match". We landed in Comino at 0715, where everyone proceeded to chose his fishing place, no pegs were drawn. 

Some choose a comfy spot other diehards the spiky rocks. We started fishing at 0800, and with the very first casts it was immediately evident, that good sport was to be had as bites were aplenty.
The match finished at noon. 


The cooking then began in earnest with Alex Genovese and Brian Farrugia the main chefs! 

Thank you guys it was delicious and we were ravenous. 

A special thanks goes to Andre Borg the master mind behind this event and main organiser.

The winners of the day were Joseph Ellul Il Gower in 1st place with 3.24kgs, 2nd place Charlo Borg with 2.75 and 3rd place went to Miguel Grech with 2.56Kgs. Winners were presented with gear kindly provided by our sponsor Tubertini malta

Finally at 1530 it was time to return, exaughsted but happy 



The 2012 KSFA MULLET league

  Subscribtion meeting  on Thursday 26th January at Pieta Football Club at 6.00pm Entrance fee is 20 euro Competitions will start at 7.30am till 11.30am, meet at 6.30am. Venues: ·         Match...
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KSFA Annual General Meeting

  The KSFA Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Sunday 8th January 2012 .... 8.30am Pieta FC The annual General Meeting will be the event in which  to decide the league formats of 2012. Come and have your say, vote and participate lively in sport fishing discussion All...
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2011 Highlights of Sport Shore Fishing in Malta

Kevin Cassar gets the mullet man of the year fishing the last match in MXlokk u typical bolognese style with very fine floats and fishing line ..... Kevin also experienced his very first national angling sport fishing competition as he was well placed in the World Championships 2011 but the...
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Final Decision for Marshall's match

Further to a situation that arose due to unforseen circumstances which saw the marshall's match to be fished by 12 anglers as opposed the required 16 anglers, the comittee has considered the fact that all singles paid anglers irrelevant of wheter present at the venue or not will have their peg...
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Stefan Borg re-opens the title race

  This was the third singles match of the season; being quite decisive. Everyone was excited to fish for the first time in Bieghi this season. As the horn blew at 7, poles and rods were casted immediately, hoping they could land some nice bottom fish. Early in the match, it could be...
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