Charles Grech and Fortune Calafato win the marshall's doubles

Final match for the doubles 2013 league was held today in Sa Maison marina in excellent weather conditions. 


Fortune Calafato and Charles Grech won the day with an overall weight of 1.8kgs of breams some of which where 2 nice sized giltheads and the rest mainly annular breams and pagell. Second on the day were John Attard and Joe Schembri netting a total of 1.13kgs while in third place Franklin Formoza and Darren Stafrace with 0.930kgs.


Section wins were Sandro Zammit fishing alone due to partner Adrian Vella missing the event in doubles and netting a nice weight of 0.920kgs, and Johnatan Aquilina and Carmelo Quattrocchi.


Full results will be published later this week .........



Adrian Nelson is KSFA Mullet Champion

The last mullet match of this season was held in glorious weather and crystal clear waters at Manoel Island yacht yard, and today the 23rd day of November Adrian Nelson was confirmed KSFA`s Mullet champion.  And he is very much worthy of this title being 1 of only 2 anglers who managed to...
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KSFA final mullet match - Manoel Island Yacht Yard

Manoel Island Yacht Yard a locality never fished before will be the venue for KSFA's next and last mullet match.  Hopefully this should produce some nice fish.  The match will be held on 23rd November.  As usual we meet at 0600 and fish from 0700 till 1100hrs.    Tight...
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Adrian Nelson bags over 30 mullets in KSFA`s third mullet match.

Adrian Nelson bags over 30 mullets in KSFA`s third mullet match. Mgarr Gozo was the backdrop for this mornings mullet Match, with our anglers have mixed fortunes.  Nelson was in top form today managing over 30 mullets for a total weight of 4.55kgs, no mean feat at all for such a...
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Vintage Kingfishers win National Float Fishing League

Kingfishers have again done us proud by placing 1st and 2nd respectively in the NFSAM league, with team B placing first and team A second.  The competition was fierce but Kingfishers kept their cool to show one and all that they are still a force to be reckoned with. Proof of this if ever was...
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50 Hour non stop music marathon

'A 50-hour ‘non-stop’ live music marathon, sponsored by Methode Electronics, featuring a variety of musicians. Raising funds for YMCA Homeless & Hospice Malta.
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