Charles Grech and Fortune Calafato win the marshall's doubles

Final match for the doubles 2013 league was held today in Sa Maison marina in excellent weather conditions. 


Fortune Calafato and Charles Grech won the day with an overall weight of 1.8kgs of breams some of which where 2 nice sized giltheads and the rest mainly annular breams and pagell. Second on the day were John Attard and Joe Schembri netting a total of 1.13kgs while in third place Franklin Formoza and Darren Stafrace with 0.930kgs.


Section wins were Sandro Zammit fishing alone due to partner Adrian Vella missing the event in doubles and netting a nice weight of 0.920kgs, and Johnatan Aquilina and Carmelo Quattrocchi.


Full results will be published later this week .........



KSFA with a Facebook discussion group

Kingfisher Sport Fishing Association has opened a new Group account of facebook   This will be a good forum for discussing various events and good for more exposure for the Association.   On the event of the 20th Anniversary of the KSFA here are some comments from veteran members in the...
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Med Alls Ltd partners with KSFA for 2015

Med Alls Limited, established in Malta since the 1980’s, has been providing a selection of all kinds of Aluminium works both to private customers and to trendsetter companies in the local and foreign markets. As of the early 2000’s Med Alls Limited’s portfolio of services provided, has been...
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