Charles Grech and Fortune Calafato win the marshall's doubles

Final match for the doubles 2013 league was held today in Sa Maison marina in excellent weather conditions. 


Fortune Calafato and Charles Grech won the day with an overall weight of 1.8kgs of breams some of which where 2 nice sized giltheads and the rest mainly annular breams and pagell. Second on the day were John Attard and Joe Schembri netting a total of 1.13kgs while in third place Franklin Formoza and Darren Stafrace with 0.930kgs.


Section wins were Sandro Zammit fishing alone due to partner Adrian Vella missing the event in doubles and netting a nice weight of 0.920kgs, and Johnatan Aquilina and Carmelo Quattrocchi.


Full results will be published later this week .........



John Attard makes the most of a quiet Day

  Today Sunday 20th November was the day when KSFA`s third mullet league match was held.  It started off bright and early at 0700, where over 25 anglers were expected to take part, but the inclement weather of the previous days must have had its toll as quite a few anglers did not show...
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FIMA groundbaits from Mister Fish

    FIMA is considered to be one of the leading groundbait companies in Europe.    It has several types of grounbait to cater for many different species of fish in the Maltese islands.    Choose FIMA for better angling results! Only from Misterfish!
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Super catch of 7kgs by Bjorn Brincat in mullet 2nd match

KSFA 2nd Mullet League match - 23rd October 2016   KSFA presents to you Bjorn Brincat a KSFA new comer winning this league's 2nd match held in Sliema with a heavy keep net of 7.24 kilos.    2nd up was Saviour Borg with 2.47 kilos, taking the 2nd overall position in the...
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KSFA 3 day Tournament 2016

Sandro Zammit & Jonathan Bonnici run away winners of 2016 KSFA 3 Day tournament. The 2016 KSFA 3 day tournament was described by most as the best edition so far, as although the 1st place was a forgone conclusion after the first match.  This was a night match at Boiler Wharf Senglea where...
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