Brian Farrugia and Sandro Zammit win the 2013 - 3 day tournament

A fantastic 3 days of fishing competition ended today in Sliema Ferries to mark the end of the 2013 three day shore fishing tournament organised by Kingfisher Sport Fishing Association in collaboration with Fishing Fever of Rabat importers and distributors of Ellevi products in Malta.


The tournament kicked off on Friday night with a very slow night fishing session in Birgu Toqba. On the first day fish was very scarce and all the teams did not surpass the 1kg mark in their final weight.

Remarkably the biggest fish of the tournament was caught on Friday by Josef Cassar who netted a nice gilthead weighing 0.75kgs.


This match was won by Josef Cassar and Ewin Cilia with a low weight of 0.75kgs which turned out to be their only fish caught on the night.


Saturday, the 2nd day of the tournament was much different with 5 teams surpassing the 5kgs weight. Saturday's venue was Manoel Island where mostly parrot fish, breams and other bottom fish was caught. Kevin Cassar managed 3 nice sized mullets also in this match.


Jason Saliba and Joe Ellul did exceptionally good and ended the day as leaders with a nice catch of 5.72kgs. 


Sunday was the final match and was scheduled for Sliema Ferries. This unpredictable venue was hard on the day with strong winds from the west blowing strong throughout the whole 4 hours of competition.


Stefan Borg and Mark Zarb won the day with 2.4kgs but was not enough for them to surpass the leaders with just 400gms of margin.


The tournament was held according to KSFA rules and all fish were returned safely to their natural habitat after all the matches.

All days were chief marshalled by Alexander Genovese with great coordination and help from Sandra Agius Darmanin, Carmelo Quattrocchi and Dorian Formosa on Saturday.


Photos were shot by Francis Darmanin on Friday evening and Sandra Aguis Darmanin on both Saturday and Sunday matches.

A group of University students coordinated by Sandra Agius Darmanin were also present in all matches logging fish and taking samples which will contribute towards more fish conservation in Malta.


Overall placings were as follows:


1st - Sandro Zammit and Brian Farrugia 8.64kgs

2nd - Mark Zarb and Stefan Borg 8.21kgs

3rd - Joseph Ellul and Jason Saliba 7.93kgs


 Sandro and Brian 2013 winners

Stefan and Mark runners up 2013

Jason and Joseph third place 2013


KSFA Doubles League 2019 - Match 2 Report & Results

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Brindisi Angler Thinkfish International Italia Competition

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KSFA Doubles League 2019 - Match 1 Report & Results

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KSFA Doubles League 2019 Registration

Dear Members,   The Doubles League is now scheduled to commence on the 20th January 2019. We shall be having our Registration on the 14th January 2019   Venue : Angler Think Fish Zebbug Outlet ( Vjal il-Helsien, Haz-Zebbug ) Time: 19:30   The price for participating in this league is...
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KSFA placed 2nd at Scoglitti

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KSFA Johnstons League Final Matches - Report

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How was the tournament?

great 62 31%
satisfactory 70 35%
poor 69 34%

Total votes: 201