Best of the Best for KSFA Doubles 2015

13 teams registered for this year's 2015 Kingfisher Sport Fishing Association's Malta doubles league.


Below is the list of marshalls according to the match dates.



Chief Marshal


Match 1

Andre Borg/ Joe Ellul

Clayton Camilleri/ Mario Marlow

Robert Attard/ Miguel Grech

Match 2

Roberto Bugeja/ Adrian Nelson

Lyon Galea/ Pierre Galea

Match 3

John Attard/ Joe Schembri

Jonathan Vella/ David Collins

Stefan Borg/ Luke Camilleri

Match 4

Steve Johnston/

Alexander Genovese/ Pierre Poulton

Match 5

Saviour Borg/ Kevin Cassar

Franklyn Formosa/ Jason Saliba

Fortune Calafato/ James Gilson


Roberto Bugeja takes top spot in Singles 3

Roberto Bugeja takes top spot in Singles 3. The scene was set for KSFA's singles 3 at il-Foss Valletta, and what a breathtaking scene it was of our beautiful Capital City. But our anglers had another scene in mind, and that being none other then the fishing scene of course. It was a relatively...
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Maltese Anglers Romp past their Sicilian Counterparts

Some 22 anglers from 2 of Malta`s leading fishing Clubs namely KSFA and HOFC on the 1st of May took part in the   2 trofeo Tubertini Coppa Italia  organised by  ASD FISH & FURIOUS RAGUSA TUBERTINI club. The match was held in Rgusa Sicily at the picturesque Marina De Ragusa....
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Adrian Nelson clinches first KSFA Singles Match 2016

Adrian Nelson clinches first KSFA Singles Match Yesterday the 24th of April 2016 saw the start of KSFA/Tubertini singles league.  This was held in a new venue for KSFA, in Qawra, but unfortunately this venue proved to be very poor, but that made it all the more difficult and challenging. Our...
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