Andre and Charlo Borg 2012 Doubles Champions

Yesterday Charlo Borg and Andre Borg were crowned champions of the Kingfisher Sport Fishing 2012 Doubles League. 


With just 7 penalty points from 5 matches it was quite a feat for the Borg's team to mantain the first place from the start of the doubles league back in May.


Presenatation night was held in Cafe Du Brasil in Vittoriosa.



Clayton Camilleri Leading the Singles League

After the first match of the singles league 2011 in Senglea, former 2009 champion Clayton Camilleri is in top position.   Next Matches are scheduled:     Match 1 – senglea 25th sept 2011  SENGLEA = Chief John Attard + Joe Schembri & Brian...
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