Andre and Charlo Borg 2012 Doubles Champions

Yesterday Charlo Borg and Andre Borg were crowned champions of the Kingfisher Sport Fishing 2012 Doubles League. 


With just 7 penalty points from 5 matches it was quite a feat for the Borg's team to mantain the first place from the start of the doubles league back in May.


Presenatation night was held in Cafe Du Brasil in Vittoriosa.



Singles Match 2 postponed due to very bad weather

Match 2 of the KSFA singles league 2011 was cancelled this morning due to very bad weather conditions.   It was a very brave decision form the chief marshall on the day Kevin Cassar to cancel the event, since it was very risky to carry out the fishing competition in thunder and lightning...
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KSFA 2011 Singles League 2nd match

  Next Sunday 16th October is the day for the 2nd match of the KSFA 2011 Singles League.   The venue chosen is Bighi Kalkara.   Meeting time: 6.00am   Fishing Time: From 7.00am till 11.00am   Chief marshall is Kevin Cassar and other...
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The KSFA 3 day open tournament latest news .......

6 teams already subscribed for the KSFA 2011 OPEN 3 day tournament. One particular team is the Blue Sea Angling Club which will be fielding a 4 man team for this tournament.   So far these are the entries:   Charles Grech  Joseph Ellul James Micallef Lorry...
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New forum page

please note that the forum that started last week on the Homepage was moved to another page on this website.   Due to these changes all posts from last week were lost!    
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Registrations for the KSFA 2011 - 3 DAY OPEN TOURNAMENT now open

  Open 3 day tournament 2011   Teams of 4 each Day 1 - Friday 21st october – waterfront meet 6.00pm fish from 7.00pm till 11.00pm Day 2 – Saturday 22nd October - manoel island meet 10.00am fish from 11.00am till 3.00pm Day 3 – Sunday 23rd October - bighi meet 6.00am fish...
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