2016 Annual Presentation
13/12/2016 20:21
Singles League Champion Adrian Nelson
Mullet League Champion Bjorn Brincat
The Trophies
Biggest Mullet 2016 Joseph Ellul
2nd Place SIngles Overall Joseph Ellul
3rd Overall Singles 2016 ex champion Clayton Camilleri
Jonathan Vella placing 1st in international event...
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Bjorn Brincat Mullet 2016 Champion
13/12/2016 19:58The golden kid with a 3rd place in final match ........ has done it.
KSFA Champion 2016 ..... with a total of over 8kgs of mullet in the league.
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John Attard makes the most of a quiet Day
22/11/2016 20:11
Today Sunday 20th November was the day when KSFA`s third mullet league match was held.
It started off bright and early at 0700, where over 25 anglers were expected to take part, but the inclement weather of the previous days must have had its toll as quite a few anglers did not show...
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Yoy Shop We Ship - Christmas 2016 is coming early this year
11/11/2016 21:37Tired of buying overpriced brands locally ......
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FIMA groundbaits from Mister Fish
01/11/2016 16:54
FIMA is considered to be one of the leading groundbait companies in Europe.
It has several types of grounbait to cater for many different species of fish in the Maltese islands.
Choose FIMA for better angling results! Only from Misterfish!
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Super catch of 7kgs by Bjorn Brincat in mullet 2nd match
26/10/2016 21:01
KSFA 2nd Mullet League match - 23rd October 2016
KSFA presents to you Bjorn Brincat a KSFA new comer winning this league's 2nd match held in Sliema with a heavy keep net of 7.24 kilos.
2nd up was Saviour Borg with 2.47 kilos, taking the 2nd overall position in the...
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KSFA 3 day Tournament 2016
03/10/2016 17:30Sandro Zammit & Jonathan Bonnici run away winners of 2016 KSFA 3 Day tournament.
The 2016 KSFA 3 day tournament was described by most as the best edition so far, as although the 1st place was a forgone conclusion after the first match.
This was a night match at Boiler Wharf Senglea where...
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Franklin Formosa back with a bang in first mullet match
26/09/2016 21:17Mullet league gets under way.
Franklin Formosa returns with a bang , by handsomely winning the first match.
Joseph Ellul fondly known as il Gower not only made 2nd place but also landed the biggest fish a mullet of over 900g.
In 3rd place we had a newcomer with KSFA who instantly...
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Summer 2016 Events
21/09/2016 21:42
The marathon Mit-Tfal ghat-tfal has come and gone, and what a success it was, where close to 50 children took part in this great event to raise funds for Qalb It-tfal in aid of the Intensive care unit in Mater Dei.
Our young lads and lasses fished for 3 hours and in the process...
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Mit-Tfal Ghat-Tfal 2016 Fishing Marathon
19/08/2016 17:12After last year's success this year KSFA will again be organising a 3hr fishing marathon, aptly called Mit-Tfal Ghat-Tfal. This is none other than a fishing marathon where our young ones will be spend a good 3hrs fishing for a good cause. This year's edition will be to collect funds for Qalb...
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