All to be decided on the final day ...... mullet league 2012


Due to pegging problems in Marsaxlokk, the competition had to be fished in the alternative location, in Gzira. All competitors had a full stock of armoury, ready to attract the mystic mullet. Nevertheless the mullet did not turn up, with few competitors managing to land one or two maximum.
Fortun Calafato was the best of the day, catching 2 mullet, with one of them weighing about 7oo grams. Adrian Nelson kept his pressure by taking the second overall for the second consecutive time. Thus Nelson is showing clear interest in fighting the top three position. Meanwhile Nathaniel Attard's minimum weight was enough to earn him third place, both in the competition and overall standing.
On the other hand, Franklin Formosa is still keeping firm to his top position, yet not with significant weight discrepancy.
All is left to play for in the last match, scheduled to be fished in Birgu Toqba.
Winner on the day Fortune Calafato with a nice mullet

Topic: All to be decided on the final day ...... mullet league 2012

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