A closer look @ Laurence Saliba

I have been fishing since I was a kid. I have always lived in my
hometown of Birzebbugia and I remember Mxlokk bay as being a
completely open bay with no restrictions at all. 

The Freeport and adjoining quays and breakwater were non existent and this bay was 

probably one of the richest not of Malta but even of the Mediterranean
40+ years ago when I started fishing. I recall nobody in my family
which was keen on fishing so probably I had the urge from living so
close to the sea. In those days we fished mainly with bread and live shrimps which
we caught with small nets.
The bay was so rich with live bait you could catch enough shrimps for
a days fishing by visiting a handful of rock pools. I still
remember the exact spots which nowadays are either filled with rubble or with sand.
One fishing adventure I so vividly remember is when a summer resident
which had been actually watching me came to my mums house asking if
he could take me with him fishing. He was from Zabbar and later I
discovered he caught ckal as a part time. I remember him coming
for me and we left for Xaghra with his Morris Marina. All I took was
some basic tackle and a short fibreglass rod and reel which my dad had
bought me probably from the shop in Valletta. I had never fished with
ckal so Leli showed me how to put them on the hooks and where to
cast exactly. The lead weight had barely hit the bottom and the rod
was almost taken out of my hands. With every cast I was catching two
large bream.  It was a day I will never forget.  I went home with a large bucket
of sargi.

Yes I was a KSFA member since the beginning and won many a competition
in the old days. Competition was harsh and every member studied new
techniques and practiced to be a winner. We were like a large team as
even though the competition between us was so vivid we were all great
friends and shared ideas. I believe it is still the same nowadays and
that is how it should be after all.
I remember winning the Doubles Marathon at Gzira together with Joe Tanti.
That was one of many but one I remember well.
I stopped competing due to change in work and actually I even stopped
fishing for a few years.  Then something happened which changed my
life and brought me back to the sea. I was not feeling so good health
wise and this was due to excessive smoking. The doctors thought it was
asthma but I knew it was all due to smoking. I made a big decision as
I had to stop but I needed a reason. In my mind i had to create a
reason to stop. Those people who smoke know this reasoning.  Ex
smokers did not stop just because it was un healthy. Most of them
created another reason to back the health issue. I decided I would buy
a kayak and start kayaking as soon as I stopped and that I did. In a week I had
almost regained my breath back.
In a month I was paddling on alternate days for an hour. Nowadays I
paddle for 4 hours non stop. I hope this will be of encouragement to
others. The fishing / kayaking developed at a later date and now I
never kayak without a rod and reel.

Kayaking / fishing is something out of this world. I never imagined I
would discover such beauty around the maltese islands. I did have a
boat which I used regularly but the bays and caves you discover with a
kayak is unbelievable. I love trolling for saddled bream and it
probably is a big advantage being so silent with a kayak. It is like
tip toeing on the water for me when I am looking for the bream. I have
had great fun every year and many a kayaker has started fishing also
after seeing my photos and videos.

My biggest catches have been while fishing for saddled bream. We all
know how crafty these fish are and I use very thin terminal tackle.
Yet I have managed to catch much larger fish on the same tackle mainly
Blue Runners, some exceeding well over the 3 kilo mark. I have lost a
few fish which could have been even larger but ....... its always
the one that got away! My dream is to troll for albacore on light /
medium tackle with the kayak. I have never found the exact opportunity
to achieve this. I need the perfect weather to go out that far and
fight the big one which could take me so long to retrieve on a kayak
and then have the strength to kayak back.

I do go fishing from the shore mainly spinning but my eyes tend to
venture everytime to the horizon and so I try to kayak every time I
have free time.  Maybe its the feeling of being free and unhindered.

I believe sport fishing in Malta is having a hard time. As I said
above the sea was unbelievably rich when I was a young kid but
nowadays to catch a decent fish you have to either be lucky or you
have to definitely improvise to be wiser then the wisest fish that has
managed to escape all the nets, long lines, traps and scuba divers
that have increased to an uncontrollable manner. The only way us sport
fishermen can help is by practising the catch and release system which
KFSA and most if not all fishing clubs so well promote.  It is
probably our biggest dream if someday all irregularities in fishing are controlled.

I do believe I was one of the pioneers in kayak fishing here in Malta
and have promoted this by sharing techniques to all those interested
in starting this sport. I myself have conjoined two sport activities
as I use contemporary kayaks and not fishing kayaks. It helps in a
ways as I use faster and lighter kayaks which you can paddle for hours
unlike the heavier ones used solely for fishing and / or short
distances. This in a way has hindered me from trying my luck abroad
although it is in my bucket list to join my friend Robbie Wong Yuen
some day and catch myself a marlin or a yellowfin tuna.

I personally think that KSFA has been of great help to many a teen
with all the activities and friendships bonding fishing and friends
together. I truly congratulate all the committee members who organized
so many activities through the years. I would also like to
congratulate all those members who competed on foreign shores and
achieved such great honours to such a tiny island.


KSFA Cisk Lager Mullet 2019 League

     This Sunday 15th September the Mullet league shall start. A total of 17 anglers have registered till now. Vouchers per match shall be Euro 50 , Euro 40 , Euro 30 for the Top 3 anglers. Final Overall Vouchers shall be Euro 75 , Euro 60 and Euro 50 for the Top 3 Positions. We wish...
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Fortune Calafato wins this year's Johnston Singles League 2019

  Today dawned a cloudy morning, which set the stage for Match 2 of the Singles Finals League that had to declare this year’s singles league champion. And pride of place this year went to Fortune Calafato, who also managed to win both Final Matches in the process, runner up was Maverick...
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KSFA Johnston Singles League 2019 Finals - Match 1

This morning the 10 finalists of the Singles Johnston league battled it out at Sliema Ferries, unfortunately the match had to be stopped prematurely due to unforeseen circumstances and for fairness sake, but it still counts since more then half the match had gone by. 1st Overall today went to...
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KSFA Johnston Singles League Match 3 Report & Results

  Today under the scorching sun, the KSFA Johnston Singles League Match 3 was held on the rocky open sea of Xghajra. After the  disappointing results of Match 2 were weights were really poor, expectations this time around were high since this was the first time this year that the weather...
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KSFA Doubles Match 3 Report & Results -

Fortune & Gilson have a field day of 7.45kgs.   What had to be doubles match 3 fished in February cancelled due storms, was fished today and what a day it was with the sea at Zonqor Point just having a slight surface breeze on it. Fish caught was abundant and in the mood of...
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KSFA Johnston Singles League Details

In a week's time the KSFA Johnston Singles Singles League 2019 shall commence. This league is different from the Doubles league were it is divided in 2 parts. The first four competitions are on weight basis system with no sections. It should be noted that an angler can skip any of these matches...
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NFSAM League Match 3 Results

   Yesterday the 3rd match of the Federation League was held at Birgu Toqba. It was quite a good day for our Club managed to win 3 sections out of 4. These sections were won by Raymond Farrugia, Sandro Cohen & Carmelo Quattrochhi. As it is now from the Overall Top 7 Classification our...
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KSFA Doubles Match 5 - Report & Results

Newcomers Coleiro brothers win KSFA Doubles Match 5 This morning, the 5th match of the KSFA Doubles League 2019 had to be held at Zonqor Point. Unfortunately there was still a big swell and therefore it was decided that the match shall be held at Birzebbuga. Pegs were drawn and all anglers went on...
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Report - KSFA Colmic Mullet League Match 3

  Adrian Nelson makes the best of Match 3 from the Mullet League.    Yesterday morning at 05:30 our anglers met up at the Kalkara front for the third match of this year's Mullet League.    It was a nice summer day and all competitors were quite eager to fish unfortunately...
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Report - KSFA Colmic Mullet League 2024 Match 1

  Fortune Calafato wins the first match from this year's Mullet league   A total of 12 anglers have registered for this year's Mullet League.  At sunrise, our anglers have met to fish at San Gorg Bay, Birzebbuga. Everyone was similar setted up apart from those specifics that each...
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Report - KSFA Colmic Open Float League 2024 Match 3

  Carmelo Quattrocchi Wins back to back Float Matches   Yesterday morning our anglers had the third match of this year's league. Competition was held at Kalkara so as to have shelter from the NE wind. Anglers met up at 6am and fished from 07:00 till 11:00.   Carmelo Quattrocchi...
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