KSFA Singles Champions


2016 - Adrian Nelson

2015 - Adrian Nelson 

2014 - Brian Farrugia

2013 - Darren Stafrace

2012 - Darren Stafrace

2011 - Franklin Formosa

2010 - Fortune Calafato

2009 - Stefan Borg

2008 - Mario Marlow

2007 - Clayton Camilleri

2006 - Clayton Camilleri

2005 - Pierre Poulton

2004 - Clive Fava

2003 - Alfred Cassar

2002 - D Borg Cardona

2001 - D Borg Cardona

2000 - Kevin Mangion

1999 - Ramon Vella

1998 - Ramon Vella

1997 - Robert Cassar

1996 - Kevin Mangion






2015 - Adrian Nelson

2014 - Adrian Nelson

2013 - Carmelo Quatrocchi

2012 - Franklin Formosa

2011 - Kevin Cassar


NFSAM Match 1 Report- KSFA wins 4 sections out of 5

  This morning we had the first match of the National Federation Sports Anglers Malta League. Unfortunately due to north eastern swells both chosen & alternative venue could not be fished. The organisers discussed another venue and Birgu Toqba was chosen.    Due to the above...
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